Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Not-So-Smart Car

I have a diabolical dislike for the smart car and anything that resembles one, like the Fiat 500.  It was rounding a corner at a light and I scrambled to take that pic. It was so bizarre-looking that it caught my eye. Do you see it in comparison to that black truck? Its the tan box of crayons by the fire hydrant...

Icky poo. I'm all for preserving the environment and finding new technologies to save gas and oil, but whatever happened to style and horse power?! Why do cool technologies get housed in dinky cars?

Let's be clear, the Fiat 500 is not a smart car or even a hybrid for that matter. It's just a dinky looking euro car. But you're driving that silly thing in America so you'll look stupid if you have one. Especially in Utah. You gotta bring your horse[power] to the West.

Here's the link to the Fiat 500 official stats so you can decide what you think for yourself...

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